We are thrilled to announce that the Reedy Creek Stream Restoration Project has been awarded NAFSMA’s Green Infrastructure First Place Award. Click here to view full list of awards »
- December 14, 2020
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- July 18, 2017
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Check out this article that the Lake Norman Publication recently published about the Reedy Creek Stream Restoration Project that begins construction soon. CLICK HERE TO VIEW ARTICLE »
“The stream is essentially broken,” said Chris Matthews, division director of Nature Preserves and Natural Resource at Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation. “It doesn’t really function right now.”
- August 13, 2015
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- May 13, 2015
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The restoration efforts at Reedy Creek are a part of Charlotte’s overall goal of protecting its vital waterways. Watch this excellent video that shows just how important these efforts are in Charlotte, also known as “The City of Creeks”.
UNC Charlotte, UNC Charlotte Urban Institute & UNC Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture have partnered with organizations and artists from across Mecklenburg County to raise awareness of creeks, watersheds, water quality, and the importance of protecting these vital waterways. For more information on upcoming Keeping Watch events & initiatives visit www.keepingwatch.org
- October 23, 2014
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We’re excited that WBTV did this special on the Reedy Creek Stream Restoration project.
- September 29, 2014
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For Immediate Release: September 26, 2014
Storm Water Services launches its largest single Stream Restoration Project ever
Charlotte, North Carolina – Charlotte‐Mecklenburg Storm Water Services is partnering with Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation on the City’s largest single stream restoration project ever‐ The Reedy Creek Restoration Project. This project will restore and preserve approximately 7.5 miles of streams and 5 acres of wetlands within, and just outside of, the Reedy Creek Nature Preserve, a 737‐acre county park in Charlotte.
This project will improve water quality, be a model for interagency cooperation, and enhance knowledge of stream restoration for the region.
“We are excited to partner with Storm Water Services to restore and protect this incredibly valuable community asset. The restored streams and wetlands of the Reedy Creek Nature Preserve will be enjoyed by many generations to come,” said Chris Matthews, Division Director-Nature Preserve and Natural Resources at Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation.
The restoration project is funded by the City’s Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank. This Bank enables the City to fund the restoration of streams and wetlands in watersheds where infrastructure projects unavoidably impact them. Infrastructure projects can move forward with limited cost and time delays, and water quality improvement projects are strategically implemented where they are needed most.
“The Reedy Creek Stream Restoration project will improve our local environment and create opportunities for infrastructure projects like roads, light rail and utilities,” said Storm Water Services Project Manager William Harris. “It’s a win‐win for residents and the environment. Efforts like the Reedy Creek Stream Restoration initiative are what give Charlotte a healthy environment and a competitive edge.”
Wildlands Engineering, Inc., an ecosystem restoration firm, has teamed with stream restoration contractor North State Environmental, Inc. to design and construct this project. Preliminary design plans will be complete in the spring of 2016 and construction is expected to begin in late 2016. For project updates, look for information at Reedy Creek Park or online at https://reedycreekrestoration.com
Media Contact:
Kristen O’Reilly
Water Quality Education Specialist Charlotte‐Mecklenburg Storm Water Services 704‐517‐0814 (cell) koreilly@charlottenc.gov